Human Face of God

We recognize the Face of Christ on any icon, on any painting. How do we know how He looked? Where does this certainty come from?
In 1999 Fr. Heinrich Pfeiffer, Professor of the Gregorian University in Rome, announced that in the monastery of Manopello village in the Italian region of Abruzzo, he had found one of the Holiest Relics of Christianity — Veronica, which was considered forfeited for centuries. The Holy Face on it resembles the Shroud of Turin and the first Orthodox icon ever — the Savior Not Made by Hands. Do we know now how He really looked like? Did they have one prototype? This documentary answers some of the questions and forces you to learn more.
The Manopello Image is neither known nor accepted by all. Some researchers think that this image was made in the Middle Ages. Nevertheless pilgrims from all over the world go to the small village in Abruzzo mountains to see the Holy Face. One of such pilgrims was the Pope Benedict XVI.

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