Many relics have been studied by science in recent years, ratifying to this day their more than possible authenticity. One of these relics, directly related to Jesus of Nazareth, is what Tradition knows as the Tablecloth of the Last Supper. In this documentary we will learn about the work carried out on this cloth by national and international researchers. How did it get to the cathedral of Coria? To know its history, we approach the records that are preserved and the oral traditions that are still remembered.
- Producer: Goya Producciones
- Production year: 2021
- Original language: Spanish
- Broadcaster: Goya Producciones
- Copyright: Cabildo de la Catedral de Coria- Cáceres
- Type: single
- Duración: 56 min.
- Nº of episodes: 1
- Production format: 4k
- Production System: pal
- International audio version: no
- Timed Coded Script: no
- Comments: Más información:
- Category: Documentary
- Categories: Art / Religious Art / Architecture / Music / Painting
- Target: General Public
- Approach: Values
- Cost for broadcast rights: To Be Negotiated with Producer