This documentary uncovers the spiritual background of the Lepanto victory in 1571 and the titanic struggle between the cross and the crescent. With shocking images, it describes events held to be miraculous and shows the response of Catholics around the world, responding to the call of Pope Saint Pius V and pleading for the help of the Virgin. 450 years later, Christianity runs a new danger that must be averted with preaching, with testimony and with the reconstruction of what the eclipse of God has been destroying in the human person.
- Producer: Goya Producciones
- Production year: 2021
- Original language: Spanish
- Other languages: None
- Type: single
- Duración: 26 minutos
- Production format: hd
- Production System: pal
- International audio version: no
- Timed Coded Script: no
- Category: Documentary
- Categories: Church History
- Target: General Public
- Approach: Catholic message
- Cost for broadcast rights: To Be Negotiated with Producer