An attractive adventure documentary along the Portuguese route where Cristina Maró discovers the natural, cultural, local and social beauty of the different routes in Galicia together with the pilgrims she meets along the Way of St. James
- Producer: Goya Producciones
- Production year: 2021
- Original language: Spanish
- Other languages: English
- Broadcaster: Goya Producciones
- Copyright: Qué Mas Ver
- Type: single
- Duración: 42 min.
- Nº of episodes: 1
- Production format: 4k
- Production System: pal
- International audio version: yes
- Timed Coded Script: yes
- Category: Documentary
- Categories: Art / Religious Art / Architecture / Music / Painting
- Target: General Public
- Approach: Values
- Cost for broadcast rights: To Be Negotiated with Producer