This prize-winning docu-drama was broadcast by Western TV channels (sampling Austrian-Swiss K-TV and Hong Kong Catholic TV channel). In February 2015 it opened a session of the World Interfaith Harmony Week in Brussels 2015, at the European Union Info center.
The "Stalingrad Madonna" docu-drama presents another view on War and Forgiveness between nations and denominations. The story is tragic to its extreme - but full of hope.
On Christmas Eve of 1942, Kurt Reuber, an artist, Protestant pastor and Wehrmacht soldier, paints an icon, in a tank cut near Stalingrad in Russia. The icon was named Stalingrad Madonna combining in an unthinkable way the names of Our Lady and Stalin. It was announced a symbol of reconciliation in 1991 by bishops of cities fully destroyed in the II World War – Berlin (Germany), Stalingrad (Volgograd, Russia) and Coventry (UK). The bishops presented three Christian denominations – Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox.
Fragments from war letters and the diary of Reuber go accompanied by music of war as the new generation understands it – music of the world-known Swedish rock-groups Nightingale and Sabaton. Unique video and photo archives of the II World War, drawings of Kurt Reuber from private collections and museum rarities are used in the film.
- Productor: Blagovest Media International Nick Goryachkin
- Año de produccion: 2014
- Idioma Original: alemán
- Otros idiomas: inglés
- Broadcaster: Blagovest Media International
- Copyright: Blagovest Media International
- Unitario o Serie: single
- Duración: 48
- Formato de producción: hd
- Sistema de producción: pal
- Audio Internacional: si
- Timed Coded Script: si
- Categoría: Docu - Drama
- Público: Publico General
- Aproximación al tema: Valores universales (valores)
- Derecho de transmisión: Negociar con el productor