The Story of S. Gianna Beretta Molla, a young wife, mother of 4, and doctor who made the ultimate sacrafice by giving her life for her unborn child. A love story told through the love letters of this remarkable new saint and her husband and filmed on location in Italy, months before her canonization in May 2004, this is an intimate journey into the life of a modern day Saint, upholding the values of life and family in an age that so desperatly needs such a model.
- Producer: Salt + Light Media
- Production year: 2004
- Original language: English
- Copyright: Salt and Light Catholic Media
- Type: single
- Production format: dvcpro
- Production System: ntsc
- International audio version: no
- Timed Coded Script: no
- Category: Documentary
- Target: General Public
- Approach: Catholic message
- Cost for broadcast rights: To Be Negotiated with Producer