Explore our featured productions section, with carefully selected animations, films, documentaries and video clips to bring you high-quality content in one place.

Faustina’s luminous visions and intimate conversations with Jesus come alive as a personal experience of God’s Divine Mercy for every soul, no matter how lost and despairing.

In two parallel stories, HEART OF MERCY introduces us to a modern-day woman and a dying man. These narratives, intersecting Saint Faustina’s mystical journey, leave the viewer with the impression, “That’s my story. If God can have mercy on them, He will have mercy on me.”

See more about St. Luke Productions

The documentary “All of Us” addresses the issue of “living together” in our societies”.

However, going against the grain of the narrative discourse widely conveyed, this documentary aims to be a source of inspiration by showing the stories of women and men who, in the four corners of the planet, dare to take the step towards the other, and whatever the existing tensions or prejudices.
Our quest has taken us to Senegal, Lebanon, Indonesia, the United States, and Bosnia, from where we have brought back these astonishing tales, which put together, draw a multicultural and nonetheless harmonious world.

See more about Almolu

The film is set in a small village near the Tikhvin Tikhvin Monastery. The main characters – a rustic house painter grandfather, Peter, his granddaughter Masha and the neighbor boy Grisha. Duration – 17 century. In the past, the Tikhvin Monastery unsuccessfully besieged by the Swedish army. Voivod Prozorovsky Simeon, who led then Tikhvin militia now took monastic vows. The icon painter Peter is working on a list of the Tikhvin Mother of God for the image of the village church. Unforeseen circumstances prevented iconographer in time to finish the job. Children try to help him and face dangerous challenges. The miraculous image of Our Lady of Tikhvin their intercession will save them.

See more about  Animation studio “Balt-TV”

Let us not forget that we are created to create beauty. So when we sing, and in that expression there is anointing and beauty, it captivates the heart, not just the mind. “That’s what it’s all about, always finding better ways to be able to captivate, not only people’s minds but also their hearts. And for that, music is a marvellous way.

See more about Padre Dante Agüero


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