The Church Alive is a fast-paced, segmented and entertaining show hosted by Salt + Light producers Cheridan Sanders and Sebastian Gomes. The goal: to inspire people and get them talking about the faith, to share stories of the New Evangelization, and to highlight the broad and inclusive nature of Catholicism and its rich tradition. “Yes, the Church is Alive… and the Church is young.” - Pope Benedict XVI
- Producer: Salt + Light Media
- Production year: 2013
- Original language: English
- Copyright: Salt and Light Television
- Type: Series
- Nº of episodes: 13
- Production format: hd
- Production System: ntsc
- International audio version: no
- Timed Coded Script: no
- Category: TV Show / Magazine
- Categories: News • Bible Study, Exegesis • Church Doctrine / Articles of Faith • Catholic Church / Pope / Vatican
- Target: General Public
- Cost for broadcast rights: To Be Negotiated with Producer