Hope Lives on the Other Side (segment)

The UNCHR calculates more than 720 thousand refugees presently in Ethiopia coming from South Sudan, Somalia and Eritrea. More than 80 thousand Eritrean refugees alone seek protection living in four camps in the north-west Tigray and 300 more arrive each day. Separated from families, facing a lack of long-term settlement or resettlement options, nostalgia, and an uncertainty about the future causes frustration, depression and addiction.
Unable to work in Ethiopia, young people wait years for money to come from relatives with which to try to continue their trip through Sudan, Egypt and Libya to Europe, very often risking their lives. Old and infirm often remain abandoned in the camps. In the camp of Shimelba almost 70% of the 8 thousand refugees come from Catholic tribes. Father Ghiday Alema from the Adigrat visits every week, celebrating Mass, catechising, listening to the people, playing with the children - trying to give hope in a situation in which hope seems all but lost.

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