"This year’s Academy Award nominated short film Give Up Yer Aul Sins has just been made into a 7 x 5 minute animated television series by Brown Bag Films. The series, including the original short, is based upon the 1960s recordings of young children telling Bible stories in a classroom to their schoolteacher.
When a film crew arrives at an inner city Dublin National School to record the children, the result is a warm, funny and spontaneous animated “documentary”, featuring young children telling the story of John The Baptist, The birth of Jesus, the Crucifixion, Saint Patrick and others. Give UP Yer Aul Sins combines simple humour with clever animation to create films with a timeless quality and appeal to a family audience.
The series is being sold along with a 'making of' documentary companion piece, 1 x ½ hour, which traces the remarkable history of the sound recordings and how they were rescued from a dustbin and ultimately brought to the Academy awards forty years later. "