An old hermit who isolated himself for years from civilization finds a half-naked young man and takes him into his house. The young man refuses to speak but still a connection grows between them. When the police comes to the door, the old man discovers that his guest killed someone. He is faced with a heartbreaking decision: what to do with the murderer in his house?
- Productor: TVCO
- Año de produccion: 2017
- Idioma Original: flemish
- Unitario o Serie: single
- Duración: 110
- Formato de producción: full_hd
- Audio Internacional: si
- Timed Coded Script: si
- Comentarios: SIGNIS Award 2018 - Religion Today Film Festival Trento
- Categoría: Dramatizado
- Temas: Problemas Sociales / Ayuda / Asistencia
- Público: Publico General
- Aproximación al tema: Valores universales (valores)
- Derecho de transmisión: Negociar con el productor