"McLuhan Way: In Search of Truth, a new documentary by Masterworks Productions, explores the faith behind famed Canadian media guru Marshall McLuhan. A Catholic convert, McLuhan spent his life studying the media and its effects on individuals, societies and the new “global village.” Twenty-seven years after his death, his vision of a future transformed by electric media proved prophetic. McLuhan Way: In Search of Truth, a new documentary by Masterworks Productions, explores the faith behind famed Canadian media guru Marshall McLuhan. A Catholic convert, McLuhan spent his life studying the media and its effects on individuals, societies and the new “global village.” Twenty-seven years after his death, his vision of a future transformed by electric media proved prophetic. “His faith actually provided the foundations of his work.” -- Philip Marchand, biographer McLuhan’s most famous breakthrough was “the medium is the message.” He would later profess: “In Jesus Christ there is no distance or separation between the medium and the message. It’s the one case where we can say the medium and the message are in complete unison.” "