“Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him.” Luke 2.25 A documentary about Simeon who held the Child Jesus into his arms at the Temple, and whose body is still perfectly preserved in the golden chest at Zadar. Discover how the Saint’s relics are venerated in Croatia, contributing to the creation of one of the Christian Sacred Art Masterpieces.e
- Productor: TVCO
- Año de produccion: 2013
- Idioma Original: inglés
- Unitario o Serie: single
- Duración: 30'
- Formato de producción: hd
- Sistema de producción: pal
- Audio Internacional: si
- Timed Coded Script: si
- Categoría: Documental
- Temas: Biblia (estudio, exégesis)
- Público: Publico General
- Aproximación al tema: Mensaje católico explícito
- Derecho de transmisión: De 500 a 1000 U$ por episodio