The message of The Pope Video cries out for the fundamental rights of children and asks us to pray that they may have access to basic services and the warmth and love of a family: “We can no longer allow them to feel alone and abandoned —they are entitled to an education and to feel the love of a family so they know that God does not forget them”.
November has arrived, and with it a new Pope Video that shares the prayer intention that the pontiff is entrusting to the entire Catholic Church through the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network. This month, Francis’ words focus on the smallest among us, children who are forgotten, who daily suffer rejection, indigence, poverty, and every kind of conflict, without a real chance for growth and development and without access to basic rights. These are “conditions very similar to slavery,” the Pope laments, referring to the millions of children who suffer these conditions, due to a “system that we adults have built.”
- Producer: La Machi
- Original language: Spanish
- Type: single
- Production format: s-vhs
- Production System: pal
- International audio version: no
- Timed Coded Script: no
- Target: General Public
- Cost for broadcast rights: To Be Negotiated with Producer