Katia and Magda are two best friends about to take their final exam at the Film high school. They like to have fun but they must prepare for the test: they have to make a film. When their teacher tells them they should work on Blessed Karolina Kozka’s story, they say no at first! Katia and Magda wanted to make a film about important social issues and contemporary problems, they wanted to change the world, why should they focus on a peasant girl who died hundred years ago? but then… things will start to go differently.
- Producer: TVCO
- Production year: 2014
- Original language: Polish
- Copyright: MEIDA NOBIS
- Type: single
- Duración: 102'
- Production format: hd
- Production System: pal
- International audio version: yes
- Timed Coded Script: yes
- Category: Feature Film
- Categories: Biographies / Saints / Founders
- Target: General Public
- Approach: Values
- Cost for broadcast rights: To Be Negotiated with Producer