The story of the young and ambitious Iñigo Lopez de Loyola who dreams of becoming a top ranking military official. However, his desires are halted when he is injured in the Battle of Pamplona.
During his recovery, Iñigo experiences a conversion and decides to dedicate his life to God. He travels to Montserrat where he lives in solitude in the caves outside of Manresa. Following a long month of seclusion, Iñigo finally emerges as Ignatius, the saint who will "set the world on fire."
- Producer: TVCO
- Original language: English
- Other languages: Italian
- Copyright: JESCOM
- Type: single
- Production format: full_hd
- International audio version: yes
- Timed Coded Script: no
- Comments: world sales TVCO (selected territories)
- Categories: Biographies / Saints / Founders
- Target: General Public
- Approach: Catholic message
- Cost for broadcast rights: To Be Negotiated with Producer