AGUSTIN, UN CORAZON INQUIETO DescriptionInfoContact producerDescription Película de animación producida por la Federación Agustiniana Española (FAE) basada en los dibujos y textos de José Luis Cortés contenidos en su obra "Agustín, el del corazón inquieto". Info Producer: Federación Agustiniana Española Original language: Spanish Type: single Production format: s-vhs Production System: pal International audio version: no Timed Coded Script: no Target: General Public Cost for broadcast rights: To Be Negotiated with Producer Contact producer Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Subject Your Message I have read and accept the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy. I hereby declare on my own responsability to be of legal age according to the legislation in my country and I certify the accuracy of this statement. AGUSTIN, UN CORAZON INQUIETO