QUICHÉ TIERRA SAGRADA Y ENSANGRENTADA DescriptionInfoContact producerDescription Capítulo I "Tierra de Mártires" En este capítulo recuperaremos la memoria de personas que al derramar su sangre, marcaron un antes y un después en la historia de fe del pueblo del Quiché. Info Producer: Stella Maris Tv Production year: 2021 Original language: Spanish Type: series Nº of episodes: 1 Production format: full_hd Production System: -1 International audio version: no Timed Coded Script: no Category: Documentary Target: General Public Approach: Values Cost for broadcast rights: 0 to 100 U$ per episode Contact producer Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Subject Your Message I have read and accept the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy. I hereby declare on my own responsability to be of legal age according to the legislation in my country and I certify the accuracy of this statement. DISCÍPULOS DE AMOR KENÓSIS OFICIAL “QUICHE TIERRA SAGRADA, ENSANGRENTADA”. CAPITULO II “LOS MISIONEROS ESPAÑOLES MÁRTIRES” QUICHÉ TIERRA SAGRADA Y ENSANGRENTADA