Akim is a young Muslim called to be an Imam. His identity will be challenged by his encounter with Christ... Akim will have to face his family’s, peers’ and, above all, his brother’s deep disapproval and refusal of his conversion, but he will struggle for acceptance through his testimony of faith and forgiveness. A film based on a true story.
- Productor: TVCO
- Año de produccion: 2013
- Idioma Original: francés
- Unitario o Serie: single
- Formato de producción: hd
- Sistema de producción: pal
- Audio Internacional: si
- Timed Coded Script: si
- Categoría: Película
- Temas: Fe
- Público: Publico General
- Aproximación al tema: Mensaje católico explícito
- Derecho de transmisión: Negociar con el productor